Leadership Programs
- From 1 day to 4 weeks programs
- WIL organizes 1-3 workshops in different states in the US, based on certain topics, such as economy, politics, Internet, education, innovation, etc.
- 2-weeks programs are organized in DC, tailored towards developing skills on topics such as media, entrepreneurship, innovation, politics, etc. These programs are open to American and international participants.
- WIL also organizes international leadership programs especially tailored for regional studies and participants who want to know more about a certain region, such as Balkans, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and alike.
High school programs
- WIL believes that high school students are the best emerging leaders. For this purpose, we have developed two programs that can be taught as workshops in high schools
- Professional Development program, where for 3 weekends students get to take seminars and practice on subjects such as: debate, public speaking, negotiations, writing, presentation, dialogue, advocacy, etc.
- STEM program, where for 3 weekends students get to take seminars and practice elementary coding, PMP, AGILE, SCRUM, etc. by professionals certified in these subjects.
Custom Made Programs
- Industry based leadership programs
- Industry based leadership programs are more specific programs for the people who want to be educated on leadership in specific industries, such as media, internet, security, non-governmental organizations, etc.
- Custom made programs for institutional clients
- Being a one stop shop, WIL offers custom made programs for institutional clients based on their vision, resources, goals, and professional development needs.
Public Lectures
- WIL organizes public lectures on different topics of interest for its participants.
- They are 1-3 hours lectures, talks, or book talks, that will bring together interested people and experts on a specific topic.
- There are public lectures on technical issues such as: economy, medicine, engineering, technology, politics, entrepreneurship, fashion, etc. which talk more about the technical details of the subject;
- And then there are leadership lectures on diplomacy, networking, public speaking, conflict resolution, negotiations, etc. which focus on experience and skills building.